orait berbalik pade tajuk...aku nk cite sket pasal ari ahad smlm brsamaan 2/1/2011..
ok pg2 lagi aku da smpai PALAM dlm kol 9 pg...then tros amek kete saga LMST manual...murah beb sewa...stgah ari rm50 je....
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that's it babeyh...sdap giler kot bwk kete nie...turbo lagi..haha |
hah..btw aku kuar nie ngn si haekal, si cikin (tudung pink) n syaz (tudung itam)....frst2 skali ktowg g sunway...mkan2 ape sume then g tgk wayang...cite DAMPING MALAM...srius best...spe2 lom tgk boley la g tgk yer...ahmad idham n amy mastura blakon smart....lgpon ade sorg plakon kanak2 nme dayang...ok dye comey..hahaha
mse kt sunway tu aku ngan syaz g kdai mkan korea...wahhh..haha...ktorg mnum KOREAN TEA..haha..boley la...bak kate syaz rse cm "air beras bakar"...haha..k2..aku xnk cite pnjg2 pasl sunway..pas da shoping ape sume..ktorg bergegas k I-CITY !!!
oh yeah babeyh...first time okay aku jejak I-CITY...truje y teramat...ktorg smpai dlm kol 8..lom mgrib lagi...so g la cri surau...agk terpncil gk surau nye...btw surau nye boley la slesa...TAPI sgt khusuk kot....mne x nye..check this pic...
orait...tgk tu...dpan mate ade pokok2 y cantik...anywy surau nie kt tgkat 3 sbuah bgunan kt situ...mmg time sbhyag kpale pkir "hmm..cntik nye poko2 tu...pasnie nk amek gmbo kt pokok y wrna biru tu la..." haaah...srius susa nk khusyuk...lg stu..korg tgk kt y ade bulatan merah tu....guess what?? tu ialah SKRIN besar...haah...dri gmba nie mybe xjelas..but kalo korg ade kt situ mmg nmpak sjelas2 nye ape y dtayagkan kt skrin tu....juz like sbhyg dpan tv..=P
pas da sbyg ktorg g mkan jap...akibat prot y sgt2 lapo an...ktorg mkan kt kdai GASOLINE...msyuk beb mkan kt sini...playan nye ramah giler....mkanan nye pon sdap2 blake...harga bese2 je...berpatutan....kalo da nme pon chicken chop xkan 5 rggit an...y aku tau chicken chop 5 ringgit dan sdap ade kt JAY BEE je..haha
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nie gmbo kt kdai tu...dok bawh beb..ala2 jpun gtu..hehe |
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nie BLACK PEPPER CHICKEN CHOP y aku order...sdap an..haha |
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aku ngn syaz....nmpak batang ade chaya2 ktorg pgang tu...tu bukan beli.. tu dpt free mase mkan kt GASOLINE..hehe |
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haekal ngn cikin.... |
orait...pas da jln2 tu ktowg ade jmpe stu tmpt tu...aku xtau nk pggil tmpt tu ape...tp bnde nye cm kte maen prmainan...if we win kte akan dpt hadiah cm bear k...smethng like that r...ade 3 game...lupe lak nk snap gmbo kt situ...anywy aku maen stu je gme tu...konon2 nye gme plg sng r...stakt nk mng adiah bear besar cm kacg goreng je...jap g aku maen...huuuuh..hampeh...susa cm seed !!...probality nk mnang cm siiaaa...
dgn ati y sdikit tensen+gram ...ktowg pon bla la dri situ...then tros bgegas balek k palam....dlm prjlnan balek tu ktorg ade wt smething y agk weird+bodo....huuh...akhirnye smpai juge d palam stelah sharian bjalan+gelak ktawe x hnti2...
haaa...bgitu la cite nye...mlm tu sgt pnat plus kaki lguh nk mam....for those y x pegi lagi I-CITY tu pegi la...especially for palam's student...smntare duet elaun nie masih ade...g la mncube I-CITY..haha
**Akhir kate...thankz so much to Haekal, Cikin, Syaz n y paling wt aku gmbira ari tu, thankz sgt2 to Mr. Allowance...haha =D**
LIKE~ sebab aku sangat comel..
haha happy gila kot..terbaek ah korang :D
haah...xabes2 ngn comey ko...
sngt ske jln2 :D
nnt jln2 lg lah.. :P
x penah lagi pg i city...! nak pg gak, huhu~
el, meyh r dtg shah alam...aku bwk g i-city ..hehe...
ak yg dkt ni pon xpegi2 lg..ble ak nk g ni??..aisyh..haha
arep, smntara elaun nie ade, pekse pon lom start baek pegi rep...haha
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