Friday, April 27, 2012

Post-match UCL SF yang sangat LOL ! [pic]


 Nie nk share sikit pic2 y sangat LOL pasal game UCL Semi final antra Chelsea n Barca, Real n Bayern. Bersedia untuk bgelak ketawe.....

I like this pic ! haha



At the end of the day, don't blame them, they're also a humans, they're not perfect. Be humble.

Sumber : Google n Troll Football

 Mcm seeeeeed kn sume pic, kalo korg xgelak mkne nye korg bukan kaki bola. haha
Congratz to Chelsea n Bayern, hopefully the final will be interesting to watch.

Suke ? Share lah ngn kawan2.. =)

***Gua xtau nk sokong spe final nnti, silap2 gua xtgk pon...haha.. ***

Saturday, April 14, 2012

God knows everything [Part 1]


Dengan nama Allah y Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani....

See ? Setiap hari kite sebut, setiap hari kite mgakui bhawa btape Pemurah nye Allah subhanahu wata'ala tu, korg pcaye x ape y korg sebut tu ?? kalo xpercaya atau ade ragu2 wlaupon sikit pon baek g mgucap balek dkat kn diri kpd Allah.

Orait, entry kali nie xbniat pon nk berdakwah k hape, juz intro je..hehe, Entry kali nie nk cite sket pasal bbrapa cebisan hidup aku kt reader2 skalian...harap2 korg sume dpt amek iktibar..

Back to 2007
Dpendekkan cerite, Thank God for giving me a good result in PMR, not so excellent actly, tak straigth A's pon, tp alhamdulillah lah, I managed to get 8 A's n 1 C =_=' (C is for Bahasa Arab). kenapa lah aku g amek Arab *tepuk dahi*

And bcoz I don't get straight A, maka ketika rakan2 aku naek k pentas utk mnrima anugerah, aku juz kt bawah je, juz sit n watched mereka2 trima sijil ape sume.. sedikit sedih, yela mne x nye, only the student with straight A's only y dpt naek pntas... 

Back to 2009
Dpendekkan crita lg, Thank God for giving me another good result, I got 8 A's n 1 B in my SPM. *ade sje y kantoi* And, it was same like my PMR, only the student with straight A's y akan naek pntas, amek sijil, bergambar rmai2, bla bla bla .....sedikit sedih lagi, tgk kawan2 laen dpt straight.


N anda anda sekalian, anda percaya kn bahawa Allah itu Maha Pemurah, so do I, GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING, I knew that one day, aku akan dpt jugak ssuatu xkesah lah dri sudut plajaran k, sudut laen2 k, but Alhamdulillah, He gave me dri sudut plajaran, for my first sem in degree, I managed to get Dean List, tak lah 4 flat or 3.9 or 3.8, but hey ! still Dean List ! =)

Dan seperti xdjangka, ade pulak anugerah2 kpd plajar2 y dpt Dekan, WOW ! guys, mybe aku xpenah hadir mjlis2 anugerah nie, tp mjlis anugerah y aku attend tu sgt awesome, mybe kpd mereka2 y slalu sgt naek pntas trima anugerah, mereka mybe pikir mcm bese2 je mjlis tu, tp bg aku, first time weyh ! bratur, nme dumumkn, naek pntas, trime sijil, pakai smart2, amek gmbar, first time ! teruje plus gembira !!

Kpd reader2 y bace nie, if anda skrg budak sekolah n xpenah dpt naek pntas trima anugerah, JANGAN RISAU JANGAN SEDIH ! nnti kt U blajar rajin2, dpt kn Dean List, n Majlis Anugerah Dekan kt U nnti lg 3 4 kali lg gempak ! like sriusly ! 

**Gua tringin nk tgk satu kelas gua 40 org sume skali dpt Dean List, xmustahil sbb mereka2 nie sgt supportive antra satu same laen dlm bab study. ***

We are CS2221A. ~purple,black n white~


This is for you, Mom n Dad ! =)


Thanks to abah, mama, abg, kakak, adik, cikgu, mam, sir, miss, friends, n spe2 lg y scara lgsung or tidak lgsung dlm mmbantu aku dlm plajaran.  n I know, sume nie dtg atas kbnaran dri Allah. Alhamdulillah~

*** Aku dpt 5A UPSR, 8A PMR, 8A SPM, Dean List Asasi, Dean List First sem Degree, tp ayah aku xpenah bg aku hadiah, NEVER ! xmacm parents2 laen, bg iphone lah, ipad lah, tp now I realise, dye ade sbnye bg aku hadiah, hadiah y aku rse sgt2 bharga, but he NEVER said to me that that things was the present. So sweet abah ! =) ***

Monday, April 9, 2012

Keputusan Penuh ABPBH 2012


Nie keputusan Penuh Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian 2012  y berlangsung di Arena of Stars Genting Highlands pada 8 April 2012.

Penyanyi Lelaki Popular: Hafiz

Penyanyi Wanita Popular: Yuna

Artis Dua/Berkumpulan Popular: Tiga Suara

Artis Baru Lelaki Popular: Johan Arif As'ari

Artis Baru Wanita Popular: Tasha Shilla

Pelakon Filem Lelaki Popular: Aaron Aziz

Pelakon Filem Wanita Popular: Maya Karin

Pelakon TV Lelaki Popular: Fizz Fairuz

Pelakon TV Wanita Popular: Fasha Sandha

Artis Komedi Lelaki Popular: Johan

Artis Komedi Wanita Popular: Didie Alias

Pengacara TV Lelaki Popular: Zizan

Pengacara TV Wanita Popular: Farah Fauzana

Penyampai Radio Lelaki Popular: Faizal Ismail

Penyampai Radio Wanita Popular: Farah Fauzana

Anugerah Khas Seri Perak: Datuk Siti Nurhaliza

Anugerah Pencapaian Sepanjang Hayat: Sheila Majid

 Bintang Paling Popular 2012:  Aaron Aziz

*** ABPBH tahun 2012 x se'havoc' tahun sblom nye, gimik pon xbyk n kurg powerful.. ***

Sunday, April 8, 2012

ABPBH 2012 [My Prediction]


Less than 24 hours Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian 2012 akan berlangsung. So this is my prediction...

Penyanyi Lelaki Popular

1. Aizat
2. Anuar Zain
3. Black
4. Faizal Tahir
5. Hafiz

Penyanyi Wanita Popular

1. Alyah
2. Najwa Latif
3. Shila Amzah
4. Stacy
5. Yuna

Artis Dua/Berkumpulan Popular

1.Sixth Sense
2. Bunkface
3. Forteen
4. Tiga Suara
5. Meet Uncle Hussein

Artis Baru Lelaki Popular

1. Aeril Zafrel
2. Awi Rafael
3. Beto Khusyairi
4. Hazama
5. Johan Arif As'ari

Artis Baru Wanita Popular

1. Izara Aisyah
2. Najwa Latif
3. Neelofa
4. Nur Fathia
5. Tasha Shilla

Pelakon Filem Lelaki Popular

1. Aaron Aziz
2. Adi Putra
3. Bront Palarae
4. Shaheizy Sam
5. Shamsul Yusof

Pelakon Filem Wanita Popular

1. Diana Danielle
2. Lisa Surihani
3. Maya Karin
4. Eja
5. Yana Samsudin

Pelakon TV Lelaki Popular

1. Aaron Aziz
2. Adi Putra
3. Fauzi Nawawi
4. Fizz Fairuz
5. Remy Ishak

Pelakon TV Wanita Popular

1. Fasha Sandha
2. Nora Danish
3. Rozita Che Wan
4. Scha Al-Yahya
5. Tiz Zaqyah

Artis Komedi Lelaki Popular

1. Afdlin Shauki
2. Along Cham
3. Johan
4. Nabil
5. Zizan

Artis Komedi Wanita Popular

1. Enot
2. Didie Alias
3. Kenchana Dewi
4. Noorkhiriah
5. Sharifah Shahira

Pengacara TV Lelaki Popular

1. Ally Iskandar
2. Awal Ashaari
3. Aznil Nawawi
4.Faizal Ismail
5. Zizan

Pengacara TV Wanita Popular

1. Cheryl Samad
2. Farah Fauzana
3. Nurul Syuhada
4. Raja Azura
5. Sharifah Shahira

Penyampai Radio Lelaki Popular

1.  AG
2. Aznil Nawawi
3. Faizal Ismail
4. Halim Othman
5. Krill

Penyampai Radio Wanita Popular

1. Abby Fana
2. Farah Fauzana
3. Linda Onn
4. Raja Azura
5. Sharifah Shahira

Anugerah Khas Seri Perak

1. Aishah
2. Zainal Abidin
3. Eman Manan
4. Datin Sofea Jane
5. Datuk M. Nasir
6. Ziana Zain
7. Datuk Siti Nurhaliza
8. Rosyam Nor
9. Saiful Apek
10. Mawi
11. Nabil
12. Shaheizy Sam

Ade spe nk lawan populariti Datuk Siti ??

Kite tgk yer mlm nnt spe y mng....hehe =)

*** Msti Yusry n Lisa, Awal n Scha akan mnjadi tumpuan media n wartawan mlm nnti ***

Monday, April 2, 2012

Why and Why ??


Why went we want to choose friends, we always want to friend with a-good looking-hansome guy or a beautiful-sexy girl ?

Why went we want to choose friends, we always want to friend with a rich-modern people ?

Why went we see others wear a stylish-up to date fashion dress, we MUST also change our dressing to stylish-uptodate fashion too ?

Why went others make something bad to us, we MUST revenge what they did to us ?

Why we always keep telling the secrets to others even though we actly should keep it ?

Why we always follow others even though we know that is wrong ?

Why we always pretend to be someone else rather than be ourselves ?

Why we always tend to make money n money rather than save it ?

Why we always keep telling the untruth even though we know it is wrong ?

Why and Why ??

Every questions above have their own answer, but I come with my own answer for all of these questions... The reason is...

-We live in new era, new style, new psychology, new thinking, new generation, and everything is just new, and if we are not follow this new era, we can't survive ! we're dead ! -
That's my answer for all the questions.

Do u think we're really can't survive if we not follow ?? No, I'm still live !

*** countdown ***